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15% OFF: M-Pets Grow Cat Grass 70g

Original price was: $7.00.Current price is: $5.60.

(In Stock)

SKU: PY3799982306 Category:

DIY grow-your-own-grass kit.

Easy to grow indoors.

Naturally contains folic acid to help support overall health.

Good for digestion.

Should be enjoyed as an occasional treat or snack.

M-Pets Grow Cat Grass is a DIY grow-your-own-grass kit that makes cat grass (a grass mixture grown from seeds like wheat, barley & oats) easy to grow indoors with some sunlight & water!

Many cats naturally enjoy eating grass, however, as our grass outside may contain harmful pesticides, it is recommended to grow your own, using kits like the M-Pets Grow Cat Grass.

M-Pets Grow Cat Grass, like all other grass, contains folic acid, a vitamin that supports many essential metabolic functions in the body like DNA synthesis & the production of red blood cells.

Enjoyed as an occasional treat or snack, M-Pets Grow Cat Grass also helps with digestion and sometimes acts as a laxative to help cats push out hairballs or other ingestible food.

Suitable For
Cats of all life stages.

Product Weight


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