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Frontline Plus for Cats

Original price was: $52.99.Current price is: $26.50.

(In Stock)

SKU: GGI21843473 Category:

For cats and kittens 8 weeks or older.

No prescription required!

When used monthly, Frontline Plus for Cats completely breaks the flea life cycle and controls tick and chewing lice infestations. Research demonstrates Frontline Plus for Cats kills adult fleas, flea eggs, and flea larvae for up to six weeks. Frontline Plus for Cats kills ticks for at least one month. A once monthly application is recommended where tick control is needed. Although Frontline Plus for Cats can control fleas for up to six weeks, if there is a high risk of infestation or if the pet has fleas which may cause flea allergy dermatitis, a once monthly application may be needed.

EPA approved product guaranteed from the manufacturer, Merial


Active Ingredients:
Fipronil: 9.8%
(S)-methoprene: 11.8%
Inert Ingredients: 78.4%


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